Table 1


Subcategory-Taxonomy Country, Organization
Climate change (CO2 emissions target) Japan
Safety in connection with nuclear power)
Energy security
Economic efficiency
Environmental protection
Climate change (CO2 emissions target) China
Climate change (CO2 emissions target) IRENA
Clean energy (SDG #7) UN
Affordable energy (SDG #7)
Climate change (CO2 emissions target) EC
Share of renewable energy
Energy efficiency
Integration of environmental considerations into the processes of economic, social and political reform OECD
Sectoral target (industry, buildings, transport) IEA
Define and follow indicators: final energy carbon intensity, electricity generation carbon intensity, electricity share in final demand, énergo CO2 emissions
Economic growth France
Respectful of the environment
Lean and efficient energy
Lean and efficient carbon use
Socially inclusive
Independence of supply
Foster a strong innovation potential (Green Growth)
Business competiveness
Climate change (CO2 emissions target)
Renewable energy and more (heat networks)
Nuclear power closure Germany
Coal-fired power plants closure
Renewable energy
Low-carbon energy = Climate change (CO2 emissions target)
Green Growth

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