Issue |
Matériaux & Techniques
Volume 109, Number 3-4, 2021
Special Issue on ‘Overview, state of the art, recent developments and future trends regarding Hydrogen route for a green steel making process’, edited by Ismael Matino and Valentina Colla
Article Number | 308 | |
Number of page(s) | 13 | |
Section | Environnement - recyclage / Environment - recycling | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 March 2022 |
Regular Article
Hydrogen role in the valorization of integrated steelworks process off-gases through methane and methanol syntheses☆
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, TeCIP Institute – ICT-COISP,
Via Moruzzi 1,
Pisa, Italy
Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas,
6th km Charilaou-Thermi Road,
Thessaloniki, Greece
K1-MET GmbH,
Stahlstraße 14,
Linz, Austria
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Chair of Energy Process Engineering,
Fürther Str. 244f,
Nuremberg, Germany
Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Process Technology & Industrial Environment Protection,
Franz-Josef-Str. 18,
Leoben, Austria
Air Liquide Research & Development, Innovation Campus Frankfurt, Air Liquide Forschung & Entwicklung GmbH,
Gwinnerstraße 27-33,
Frankfurt, Germany
voestalpine Stahl GmdH, Research and Development Ironmaking, Technical Department, Business Unit Slab,
voestalpine-Strasse 3,
Linz, Austria
Central Mining Institute,
Plac Gwarkow 1,
Katowice, Poland
* e-mail:
The valorization of integrated steelworks process off-gases as feedstock for synthesizing methane and methanol is in line with European Green Deal challenges. However, this target can be generally achieved only through process off-gases enrichment with hydrogen and use of cutting-edge syntheses reactors coupled to advanced control systems. These aspects are addressed in the RFCS project i3upgrade and the central role of hydrogen was evident from the first stages of the project. First stationary scenario analyses showed that the required hydrogen amount is significant and existing renewable hydrogen production technologies are not ready to satisfy the demand in an economic perspective. The poor availability of low-cost green hydrogen as one of the main barriers for producing methane and methanol from process off-gases is further highlighted in the application of an ad-hoc developed dispatch controller for managing hydrogen intensified syntheses in integrated steelworks. The dispatch controller considers both economic and environmental impacts in the cost function and, although significant environmental benefits are obtainable by exploiting process off-gases in the syntheses, the current hydrogen costs highly affect the dispatch controller decisions. This underlines the need for big scale green hydrogen production processes and dedicated green markets for hydrogen-intensive industries, which would ensure easy access to this fundamental gas paving the way for a C-lean and more sustainable steel production.
Key words: process-off gases valorization / green hydrogen use / methane and methanol syntheses / advanced control / steelmaking industry sustainability
© I. Matino et al., 2022
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