Issue |
Matériaux & Techniques
Volume 80, Number 11-12, 1992
Page(s) | 31 - 34 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 April 2017 |
Database for super high temperature materials under severe environment
Aeronautical Engineering Dept., University of Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Research and Development Institute of Metals and Composites for Future Industries, Japan
A property database management system of high-performance materials for severe environments is being developed. The types of the high-performance materials include inter- metallic compounds and advanced composites such as carbon/carbon and SiC/intemetallic compound composites. The database system is composed of personal computers and has a computer network connecting governmental institutes, industrial companies and several universities for data input and output. The construction of the database system, the data formats, the testing methods for material properties, the management of the system, the property data of high-performance materials, and the statistical aspects of the data are investigated.
© SIRPE 1992
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